Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Birth

The King Family now has a blog. After a little collaboration between the kids, we came up with a blog address that reminded us of home, and that we could remember... King Chamacos, folks.
This is a group blog, so whomsoever has something exciting, riveting, new, or nice to share....please do.
The more the merrier is theme of this one, my friends.

Is this really Mom?? And who knew they made adult pj onesies way back then.

Hurry! Someone call the fashion police! Good thing our parents had us to guide them along in their fashion faux pas.

(See poll below to judge for yourself...)


Lisa said...

Ummm...that's my sister, Vicki...haha. I'd never be caught dead in onesies...I win!

Nicole S said...

Oh, shoot. Well, maybe we'll call it guilty by association. :)

Who commited the worse fashion no-no: Mom or Dad?