Thursday, January 20, 2011

Scooter, our favorite brother

When you're the only boy and completely surrounded by 5 sisters, things can get rough...

 2 girls doing the dirty work and 3 enjoying the show  :)

Guess he's lucky that he has a Dad (maybe Mom too? I don't know if she helped or not) who will spend all night gluing, fixing, and putting together an elaborate train system....
 ...or taking the only boy to see real life fighter jets (was this when his love for all things military was born?) (This is Robert in the picture, but it was indeed Dad who took him to see the jets and is taking the picture).
 Spot Scooter. He's with his Dad and Dustin.

Is this thing still around? If so, next time we visit AZ, we may have to have another 'Scott' join in the fun.

 I think that just about every time I talk to Scotty, I'm asking him to come over for dinner and a visit. He is one fun boy to have around.

Plus, we kissed and made up for our previous misdemeanor.

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Who commited the worse fashion no-no: Mom or Dad?