Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Be Real

After perusing through some of the photos, there seems to be a recurring problem.
Some of the following people didn't quite understand what it meant to look at the camera and smile....at least the way normal people do.

Oh dear, indecent exposure.
But that's ok, I'm tough.
See. I come packing.
More indecent exposure. This time it's not my fault.

She got the look at the camera part right.

Looking and smiling at the same time, but somehow it's still just not 'normal'.

I don't think that counts as a smile.

Your game on, Bud?

Looking and smiling. But added some arm and leg action.

Substituted the tongue for the leg in this one.

At least in Utah we give our kids jackets when they play in the snow. :) (This was in Durango, CO)

Reminds me of the movie quote, "Mermaid!! Off the port bow!!!" (Free pizza to the first person who correctly identifies the movie and character who said it.)

This one could go either way....Court or Mom.

Mom got it right. Maddy is trying to figure out what's happening and Ash.....was just listening to some Bob Marley.

Looking, but not smiling. And maybe try it when feet instead of arms are on the ground. At least I think that's what most normal people do.

Cheeser face

But how can you blame the above 6 kids?? They never had a chance when coming from these two people.....

(I'm sure there are more.....so we may just have to do several installments, cause hey, this makes for some good entertainment on a slow day).

Was there any doubt???

In who choose this car for Scotty to ride in?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hunts of Past

Same backyard. Same people. A few new recruits have been added since these old Easter Egg Hunts.

Nice job, Easter Bunny!

At least they didn't have to wear the white gloves and white hats to Church. We're not in Britain.

This year, the little red head in the picture was helping out another kid about her size and just about in this same exact spot.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Was Dad secretly laughing when he took this picture?
"Hey kids, why don't you all stand next to that memorial and smile."
What's there to smile about when standing next to this memorial? That's sick.
Court, you're the smart one. Read what it is that you're standing next to before cooperating with authorities.

Oh, now that is embarrassing

Must conserve water.

Scooter, our favorite brother

When you're the only boy and completely surrounded by 5 sisters, things can get rough...

 2 girls doing the dirty work and 3 enjoying the show  :)

Guess he's lucky that he has a Dad (maybe Mom too? I don't know if she helped or not) who will spend all night gluing, fixing, and putting together an elaborate train system....
 ...or taking the only boy to see real life fighter jets (was this when his love for all things military was born?) (This is Robert in the picture, but it was indeed Dad who took him to see the jets and is taking the picture).
 Spot Scooter. He's with his Dad and Dustin.

Is this thing still around? If so, next time we visit AZ, we may have to have another 'Scott' join in the fun.

 I think that just about every time I talk to Scotty, I'm asking him to come over for dinner and a visit. He is one fun boy to have around.

Plus, we kissed and made up for our previous misdemeanor.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The GOOD old days

These were the really good old days....before all you other people came into the picture and crashed the party.  (hehehehehe)

But sometimes you're fun and useful to have around so I guess there were still some good days besides this. Probably.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Sometimes Scott forwards us the LDS Gems that he receives. Well, Dad has restored and uploaded our priceless photos from many, many moons ago, and let me tell you...there are some real gems. So, we should probably do something with those great photos to enjoy them more than once every great while. I'll post a photo or two of one of us every week and it would be rather swell to hear what all ya'll have to say about it. First thoughts when you saw this, memories of the time, place the photo was taken, etc. Should be fun.

First one to be featured....Scott. (There were just so many 'gems' to choose from).

Who commited the worse fashion no-no: Mom or Dad?